Wednesday, May 13, 2015

RubyKoan: test_parallel_assignments_with_splat_operator

Today's RubyKoan is all about that Splat.

def test_parallel_assignments_with_splat_operator
    first_name, *last_name = ["John", "Smith", "III"]
    assert_equal "John", first_name
    assert_equal ["Smith", "III"], last_name

You can use a splat in a method definition to gather up any remaining arguments. So if an array has three arguments and you have called the first argument, a splat will allow you to call the rest of the arguments. To check this I added a third last name just before "Smith" and asserted_equal to include that third last name and it worked.

Hope you have been enlightened.

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If you don't find this helpful, go ahead and comment anyway. Let me know if there is any way I can write these to make them more clear.

Brought to you by KENYACODE. Can you code?

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