Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 12 - Wikipedia App - devise, haml, simple_form, bootstrap-sass

Today I finished Mackenzie Child's 12 Apps In 12 Weeks Challenge.  Below is the wikipedia app. You can create articles and put them into categories, which can be used to filter the articles.  I used simple_format again, which allows users to input html into the form for each article.

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I saved this app for last only because I wanted to do the other 3 after this one first.  They were very different from the other apps.

Features to add:
1. Table of Contents
2. Embed pictures
3. Rendering an iframe so youtube links become embedded videos right on the view page.
4. Rich text formatting
5. Ability to upload text files

Technologies used: devisehamlsimple_formbootstrap-sass

So this concludes my 12 in 12 challenge.  I will make a post about my experience building all 12 apps in my next blog.


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