Friday, February 19, 2016

Week 4 - Pinterest app part 2 - jQuery, Haml, Simple form, Bootstrap-sass, Paperclip

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Ok, I had to fly out of town but I found a great co-working space in Chandler, AZ, just 20 min from Phoenix.  Stop by if you are ever in town.  Its called gangplank

So yesterday and today I have been working on changing this app from paperclip to carrierwave and setting the env variables.  I did some stupid rookie mistakes! I put code in a place where it didn't belong.  I was following a fix from stackoverflow that did not work.  I forgot to remove all the code from the fix that didn't work.  It kept throwing errors and I didn't figure it out for 2 hours.

Now that I got that fixed, I simply had to create a prod database on amazon s3 and set that in my env and on heroku config:set and I was up and running.

Note: make sure you use the same wording when setting vars. From your computer to your app to heroku.  I had 2 sets, one upper case and one lower case.  I now have 4 working apps and it only took me... 5 or 6 weeks.  Yikes!

I did have to help out some family here in Arizona for a few days but I'm still 2 weeks long.  Well the movie app is next and I'm excited about this one.  I have my own idea for a tv show review app that I really want to build.

Features I would like to add:
1. Search function
2. Multiple image upload. Auto img rotation on show view.
3. Social media shareability
4. Facebook log in.
5. Add a splash page.

See you next week,


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