Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 11 - Dribble App - carrierwave, acts_as_votable, fog-aws, mini_magick, devise, simple_form, haml

Today I finished work on the Dribble App.  It is a cool way to display artwork and anything visually stunning. (i.e. Wonder Woman)  Since it supports pictures and gifs, I had to again use paperclip, I mean carrierwave.  Paperclip didn't work for me for the 3rd time.  It works well locally but integration with S3 did not compute.

I learned some cool new things in this app.  Like in the picture below, on the right I can display a random post.  It was done with one simple line of code.

def show
@comments = Comment.where(post_id: @post)
@random_post = Post.where.not(id: @post).order("RANDOM()").first

While working on a bug for a few hours I ran into a solution that wasn't covered by Mackenzie Child. When you push this app to heroku, you will not have a database.  There is code in post/show.html.haml that is looking to display a post that will break because there aren't any posts.

The code looks for a post that does not have the same user_id as the post that is displaying, puts it into a collection and gets a random one to display.  So I just thought, well it should only show a post if there is more than 1 post.

- if Post.count > 1
%h3 Random Inspiration
= link_to (image_tag @random_post.image.url(:small)), post_path(@random_post)
%h2= link_to @random_post.title, post_path(@random_post)
Shared by
= @random_post.comments.count
= @random_post.get_likes.size
- else
%h3 You have the first post.
view raw show.html.haml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

So in line 1 I added an if statement. if Post.count > 1 display the random post else display the sentence You have the first post.

It is not a big deal, since I can populate the database and it takes just one to keep the app from breaking, but in my book its a bug that had to be fixed.

Functionality I would like to add:
1. Better picture formatting so each pic on index page is the same size
2. Search function.
3. Rich text formatting
4. Social media shareability
5. Make pictures 30%-50% bigger. Move random box view down to lower right corner.
6. Add a large version of the picture to have as a background image for each post.
7. Tie dislike button to comments, so a user has to leave a comment if disliking a post.

Tune in next week, for the final app.


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