Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 3 - Recipe App - Haml, carrierwave, cocoon, fog

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My name is Joshua a.k.a. kenyacode and I have been doing Mackenzie Childs 12 apps in 12 weeks challenge in an attempt to teach myself Ruby On Rails.

Well I'm on my third app and I haven't finished two weeks yet.  I made the first app on the 14th and the second app on the 22nd.  So today is the 25 and I thought I was going to knock this out in one day... eh NO!

I got through most of this app and started having problems with the paperclip gem.  It worked ok locally but connecting it to Amazon S3 to host the pictures was seeming to be impossible.

I also had some css issues that Mackenzie couldn't explain in his tutorial.

Ok, back to work.

Features I would like to add:
1. Make better use of the Name card in show view
2. Ability to multiply the recipes
3. Posting pictures & videos.
4. Multiple picture upload.
5. Search function
6. Social media shareability
7. carousel on show view
8. A pic per recipe step.
9. Add a splash page.


So the problems I was having were due to the fog gem ENV variables that needed to be set on my local dev environment and on heroku.  Thanks to my developer friends, it only took about 1/2 an hour and I was uploading pics through my app to amazon aws.


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