Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 7 - Jobs Board App - Bootstrap-sass, Simple Form, Haml

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Yesterday I made the 7th app in Mackenzie Child's 12 app in 12 weeks challenge.  These apps generally take a week to make, maybe a few days but I was able to make this app in one day.

I learned about the f.collection_select method that allows for the form to filter from an attribute on the job model.  We made a category model, but inputed them manually into the database using the console, so that they could not be adjusted by a user.

I realized I had to do add the categories to Heroku after uploading the app.  I like the styling too.  It looks "pretty" as my teachers used to tell me.

Features I would like to add:
1. Search functionality
2. Add fields for location and date inputed.
3. Categories
4. Search by company, city, category.
5. Add users
6. Add Employer users.

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